Weinstein, #MeToo, Black Panther & Ta Nehisi Coates

In a heavy Hollywood and media episode we tackle the difficult topic of sexual assault *trigger warning* in the recent Weinstein scandal. We discuss the details of the case and the reality that many women face in male-dominated societies. As three dudes, we speak in solidarity to the #MeToo campaign. We focus on speaking specifically to guys about this and what we can do when confronted with cases of sexual harassment. We discuss some of the problematic responses from conservatives and liberals alike and give a set of guidelines. We conclude with a break down of the Black Panther trailer, connecting it to its publication history. This leads us to a discussion about Ta Nehisi Coates and the push back that he’s received for his perspective. Ali connects this to a broader relationship to history, the difference between how white Americans view history and how black American experience history and how this plays into the cultural representation we see in Black Panther. Finally Vy, gives us another segment of Currently Nerdy Spirit Animals.