Porch Pirates, Fruit Crimes, & Dystopian Future

We start our podcast with a discussion of porch pirates and the weird new criminals birthed by Amaon. We examine whether Amazon packages give access to already existing criminals or provide a chance for people who normally wouldn’t consider committing a crime. This leads us to that most hardened of criminals the “soccer mom.” We talk about Diz’s latest run-in with a scam and the sentencing update of General Flynn. We end up in a tangent about eating fruit and the underlying sociopathy it may reveal resulting in a set of Alisms or Currently Nerdy Natural Laws. Finally we wrap up with a discussion of dystopian movies and which of them are the best reflection of what is really going on society. This includes a conversation about V for Vendetta and Ali making the case that Wall-E is the best depiction of a dystopian future.